Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Refrigerator Family Album

We hosted a Chinese student this fall in our home as she attended the University. When we were getting her packed up and making all the final arrangements for her to head back to China, she made the statement, "I want to be placed in your refrigerator." I blankly gazed at her, stretching out the moment as my brain worked fervently to decode the message. I have learned over the years through interaction with different cultures and languages, to use times like this as a fun puzzle game to figure out the meaning of words that may not initially make sense. This particular time it was taking me a bit longer to put the puzzle together, but finally I understood. "Oh, of course! We will place a picture of you on our refrigerator!" She smiled her big beautiful smile and said, "oh thank you, that will mean so much to me."

Now this might sound really stupid to you, and you may be thinking; what's this got to do with anything?

Our refrigerator, like many of yours, is full of pictures of our family and those we consider like family. It's like a giant photo album of those who are a part of our lives in deep and significant ways. Our Chinese student wanted to be considered a part of our special and extended family after she returned to China, and her picture on the refrigerator was a symbol of that and her continued connection to us.

I don't think many of us realize how rich we are, who have Christ, to those who dwell in spiritual poverty. We don't pay attention to how our light illuminates the darkness that some live in daily. We take for granted that we are members of an eternal and incredible "family with benefits" that others only see, sense, and long for, from a distance.

The scriptures say in Luke 11:33, "“No one, after lighting a lamp, puts it away in a cellar nor under a basket, but on the lampstand, so that those who enter may see the light."

A light is meant to illuminate and be seen. It draws people to it as it dissipates the dark. It is up to us to put ourselves onto lampstands that shine with accessibility to those in darkness, so that the light of Christ may draw those in darkness to it.

This is not hard to do, because God has called us for this purpose -
He has put within us the light of Christ to be His representatives, His ambassadors, His living reality of the family of God in Christ Jesus. Our pictures have been placed upon the "refrigerator of heaven" acknowledging us as His own special family members.

Are you placing yourself as a lampstand in places of darkness so that the light of Christ may shine forth?
A light, in a room full of lights, doesn't add that much. It was created to shine in dark places to be fully appreciated.
Find some dark places to shine out.
See what the Light in you will draw to Itself, and who will want to be placed on your refrigerator door!

The people who walk in darkness Will see a great light; Those who live in a dark land, The light will shine on them.
Isaiah 9:1-3

1 comment:

  1. Nice post, Katie. We can shine in so many different ways, can't we? Donna and I were thinking just this evening about the needs in our community and how we can help people in distress. But often we're afraid to go into dark places, forgetting that the Light of the world is IN us!

    Thanks for the reminder.
