Now, .....I want to give you a glimpse of the different "Tracks" of interest for the workshops that we will be offering. Remember to check next week on the web page ( and you'll find the tracks listed in depth. If you click on that track it will take you to a page that will list all the workshops for that track and the speakers leading them. Here is a general overview of the different tracks:
Organic Leadership - What is it, what does it look like, what makes it different from previous leadership styles and structures. Neil Cole, Katie Driver
Simple Church Basics - Learn the basics of doing simple/house church with Tony and Felicity Dale in their two workshops.
With four sessions facilitated by J0hn White you'll be exploring the Seven Principles of LK10, in planting simple churches. These sessions will build upon one another during the conference and we'd encourage you to stay with John's sessions to get the most from the training and tools.
APEST - A team of folks who work with Alan Hirsch (The Forgotten Ways, will be leading this track on discovering through various ways, the unique makeup of your gifting and how to use that in Kingdom mission. A pre-test, offered on the website will be a prerequisite to this class. More on that will be listed on this track page.
Organic and Missional Transitions for Conventional Church Style - It's not about the structure that people fellowship in, but in their engagement in simple, missional, naturally organic lifestyles that brings transformation. Brian Williamson, Ed Waken, Katie Driver
Missional Track: Spreading The Good News of the Kingdom - From making lifestyle evangelism easy and natural, to hearing inspiring stories and examples that "fit" with who you are. See how God is using business's for mission, transformation and provision for the Kingdom. Ed Waken, Tony Dale, Neil Cole
Special Workshops -
Taste of Greenhouse (same training offered twice during the conference)- For those of you who want to know what the Greenhouse weekend intensive training is all about, this 2 hour "taste" will give you an idea and you'll want more!
Panel Discussion with Speakers - Here is your opportunity to access the various speakers whom you might of missed by taking other workshops. Questions, issues and your various experiences in living the mission, will be done in panel forum for mutual edification and sharpening of each other for Kingdom transformation. No workshops will be scheduled during this time so everyone can participate who desires to.
Later on, in this blog, I'll go over with a bit more depth, some of the workshops and what the speakers bring to their sessions.
All of the sessions will be done in discussion forums. We want your participation, the giving of your input, asking of questions, sharing your own stories and journey's. As iron sharpens iron, we hope to learn from each other in an atmosphere of mutual edification. We lift no one up as experts and professionals. Those sharing as workshop facilitators are learning as they walk in obedience to the Lord in their lives, and are the first to admit that. That said, we are blessed to have some pioneers and trail blazers to this movement of God in these days.
In keeping with the simple/organic/missional paradigms of each member of the Body of Christ being a valuable asset in the Kingdom of God, we hope you gain encouragement and strength from our days spent together in Bloomington, Minnesota!
Put the dates on the calendar for June 17 - 20 !