Monday, February 9, 2009

The Value of One continued............

We greeted each other, made introductions and learned that he had walked more than 7 hours straight to get to where we were in order to meet us and receive some prayer.  We knew nothing about him except that he travelled into the remote areas to preach Christ and plant the Kingdom.  He looked ragged and poor.  It was obvious to all of us that life for him was full of struggles.

 As we gathered around him for ministry and prayer, we all felt something change in the atmosphere of the room.  It was as if this small tree house had been translated into "higher heights", and we were privileged to be along for the ride.   We began to pray and encourage him with words of affirmation for him as a son of God and as an ambassador and minister for the Kingdom.  We all truly felt in our hearts; Gods great love and pleasure over this son and servant.  We were all in tears, even those who stood around us and watched.

When we were finished, he gave this testimony; 
"I have been obedient to the Lords commission on my life to bring the Good News to those in this region for over 15 years, but was ready to quit this month because I have never received one word of encouragement or prayer from anyone in this whole time.  I have become so tired and discouraged and have wondered if God even remembered me.  I have felt completely forgotten.  But now, after today, I can go another 15 years knowing the Lord has not forgotten me and has sent you here to encourage and strengthen me!"

A veil pulled back from my eyes and I saw to what great measures the Lord would go to reach one of his children and servants in His work to bestow upon them His great love and pleasure over their lives.  To let them know He has not forgotten them.  He sees them.

All of a sudden, my message to the people two days before, as I stood before them bruised and bloody in the assembly,  became a new reality to me.  The Lords great love for this abandoned faithful son, was so strong that He pushed me through injury, storm, illness and fatigue .  He had sent us there; compelled us there.   Just for this one man.  What incredible value one life has to our Lord!

In the gospel of Luke, we see Jesus leave a multitude of attentive listeners, mount a boat and weather a storm, all to get to one man who had been besieged with demons to set him free.  Can we fathom that?  Wouldn't we think it far more strategic to spend the time with the multitudes of people who were gathered around to be taught?  After all, if your planting a Kingdom, numbers are important right?

I learned a lot during that excursion in Brazil, many more stories I could tell. But foremost, is the knowledge of the value of one.


  1. wow!

    what a great story. it speaks deeply of the unseen world we walk around in, sometimes as if we understand it...

    Lord give us complete trust and great courage!

    and thank you for this sister...

  2. i'm praying this AM and pondering this story you've told...

    it strikes me how great the value of a single human heart...

    that the Enemy would go to such great lengths to prevent you reaching him...

    and that the Lord would bring you halfway across the world to save him...
