Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Organic Leadership Track

 In my 1/2 acre yard over the last 15 years, I have planted many different varieties of trees, shrubs, flowering bushes, vines, perennial flowers and of course; my annuals of vegetables and flowers.  With the exception of my vegetables, I rarely plant more than one of the same kind.   I purpose every year to find some new addition to my yard that will add something unique, something special. I have plants that flower only in the spring but what beauty they bring during those short weeks!  I have vines that continue to grow and spread wide that produce the most beautiful flowers all summer that attract hummingbirds and butterflies.  Some shrubs that add great wind protection and privacy, giving a great nesting place to birds.  A bush that turns bright red and orange in the fall, rightly called the "burning bush".

I think God does that with us.  Planting us in a large garden, chosen and placed to add something unique and special.  Our purpose is to add whatever it is to the garden that we are created for.  To bear fruit in accordance with "our kind", as the Scriptures say.

Organic Leadership is based on who we are naturally. Not leadership based on business models of leadership gifts, qualifications and charisma.  It is "organic" to who we are and what we have been given to serve with.  
Naturally and uniquely adding what has been given to you for the Kingdom of God.  Growing where you are planted, faithfully and obediently.

In Matthew 21, Jesus is in discussions with the religious leaders of the day who are questioning his authority.  Jesus relates a story of a vineyard that has not produced any fruit, and in fact, have abused those who tried to produce any fruit from it.  He says in rebuke; "therefore I say to you, the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people, producing the fruit of it", (vs 43).

Organic Leadership is something that produces fruit of the Kingdom.  Fruit in many forms and  with impact.  It has influence and an authority that is not positionally based but in self sacrifice; "whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave", Matthew 20:27-28.

Ezekiel stood by the banks of a great river that flowed out of the city of God.  Everywhere this river flowed, life resulted.  He gives us a description of the trees that grow on the banks of this river in chapter 47:12; " By the river on its bank, on one side and on the other, will grow all kinds of trees for food.  Their leaves will not wither and their fruit will not fall.  They will bear every month because their water flows from the sanctuary, and their fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing."

Organic leadership is based on dependency, humility and intimacy.   As Jesus taught us; "I only do that which I see the Father doing", John 5:19.   Not with great ideas, programs, strategies and steps to success.   Regardless salary, stipend or honorarium, Organic Leadership is serving out of love, privilege and the desire to be a servant at any cost.

Neil Cole will be leading three sessions in the Organic Leadership Track; Pulling the Weeds From the Garden of Leadership,  on Friday night.  On Saturday morning; From Movement to Monument.  And the final session for the conference on Saturday night called; Organic Leadership.  I will be leading a session called Igniting People to Purpose, on Friday afternoon.

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